Thursday, December 10, 2020

Design Custom Enclosures This Way To Get An Amazing Outcome


It can take some time when you are designing custom enclosures as the design should be cost effective and the product should be great. Amongst other things, to have a perfect and cost-effective design, you will have to consider the right material & hardware to use, which can be also be shared between the designs. For instance, if one of your designs has certain latches or studs, you should consider using those same ones for other enclosures if you can. By looking for these commonalities, both you and your clients can benefit from these sheet metal enclosures.

Creating a Starting Point

Some clients do not know exactly what they want, but if they have a custom sheet metal enclosure design in mind, you can help improve the design by giving them ideas and options of material & hardware they can pick from and save some money. By incorporating some small changes in the hardware used or by using an efficient way of inserting the hardware you can achieve improvement in manufacturing process and a better designed enclosure.

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Contact Us:

Weldflow Metal Products

1250 Broadway, 36th Floor,

New YorkZip Code: 10001

Phone: 866-848-3641


Monday, November 23, 2020

What Are The Factors That Impact Laser Cutting Services?

 If you use laser cutting for your company, then you most likely know that the different surfaces of metal can have different properties when it comes to cutting with a laser. The better the material you have, the better the cutting will be. But when it comes to laser cutting, the surface of the material is not the only factor affecting the outcome. Many other factors can play critical roles in cutting the surface of a sheet. From the temperature of the sheet to the operator, every aspect can affect the final product in laser cutting services.

The Thickness of the Surface

The speed of your laser will decrease a lot if you are trying to cut on a thick surface. On thinner metals, the laser can perform better and cut with much more ease. A thick surface has a small processing parameter window. When you have a smaller window, it is harder to cut the surface, and it uses more energy. That makes it harder for your machine to cut and dial into the surface. If you do need to cut a thicker surface, consider using optical lenses.

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Contact Us:

Weldflow Metal Products

1250 Broadway, 36th Floor,

New YorkZip Code: 10001

Phone: 866-848-3641


Monday, September 14, 2020

Tips To Ensure Your Metal Enclosure Fabrication Projects Are A Success

Every metal enclosure project began when someone had an idea to solve a certain issue. For instance, think about when you have to design a metal enclosure for a sensitive and oddly sized machine that needs to be placed in a hazardous site. You’d want to make sure that the sheet metal enclosures you design can withstand the harsh conditions of the location.

Considering the Weight

You should ensure that the enclosure can handle the weight of the equipment it has to contain. Many machines are lightweight now, but if you put test equipment in a cabinet rack, you need to see if the rails will hold the weight. Look at the characteristics of the load before you have the enclosure’s design finalized. If you are creating a smaller enclosure, remember that the load weight is vital to make sure that you are not loading more components than it can handle.


Contact Us:

Weldflow Metal Products

1250 Broadway, 36th Floor,

New YorkZip Code: 10001

Phone: 866-848-3641


Monday, June 15, 2020

Why Is Precision Metal Fabrication A Preferred Choice In Industries?

Many companies belonging to different industries choose to use precision metal fabrication. Often, they prefer this method because it allows them to shape the metal into anything. Then the fabricator can form this into a sheet to create a specific product. The process is complicated to ensure accuracy. This is why many people know the process of precision metal fabrication.

The Process

First, the company will follow a design process to implement the project. This usually happens on paper. During the initial stage, designers share ideas about the expected quality and specifications of the final product.
Then the company will start developing the product using 3D technology. This step allows the designers to bring their ideas to life so that they can also correct any issues. Then it is time to create a prototype. There are several methods that companies can use to create a prototype.
Contact Us:
Weldflow Metal Products
1250 Broadway, 36th Floor,
New York
Zip Code: 10001
Phone: 866-848-3641

Monday, May 11, 2020

How The Right Fabrication Company Can Enhance Commercial Buildings

you own a commercial building, you might be looking for ways to set it apart. The good news is that there are enhancements out there that can improve the appearance of your building and equipment while saving you money. Choosing to use sheet metal enclosures can hide hardware or equipment that may be unsightly while protecting your investment against the elements.

Benefits of Sheet Metal Enclosures

One of the main benefits of a metal enclosure is protecting your equipment and hardware, so you do not have to replace it as often. Metal enclosures resist the elements well, which is important if your box is located outdoors in the snow, sleet, or rain. You will find that metal is longer-lasting than plastic is.
Another benefit of a sheet metal enclosure is that it can make your building more pleasant overall. For example, if you have equipment that emits radio frequencies, metal enclosures can easily prevent electromagnetic radiation from escaping. You can also prevent excessive heat from escaping from the equipment by using metal ones and avoiding plastic ones.
Another different perspective of a sheet metal enclosure is one for electronics for the signage on the top of the building. Many of these devices emit a lot of noise. By getting the right type of enclosure, you can block some of this noise and make the building more pleasant, both inside and out.
Contact Us:
Weldflow Metal Products
1250 Broadway, 36th Floor,
New York
Zip Code: 10001
Phone: 866-848-3641